Wednesday, February 27, 2013

{ M,M&M }

Another event this Sunday, March 3 at Parkmall.

C.E.B.U. Exhibit.

Theme: Games

Yey~ two cosplays in less than a month. \m/ I am one happeh gurrrrrrlllll~ ♥

I get to cosplay with FUBUS again. Hoorah~!

This will be another teaser and expect this blog to be in hiatus for a while. ( well, i love teasing you guys.)

Retard Bits sister will be:

Fubu will be my alter egooo:

(M_ _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ )


I will be:

( M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

I hope Behbeh will cosplay with us but sadly, since she has student-body-president's responsibilities, she can't. </3

I am heart broken. She was supposed to be *****. GAH!

As long as FUBUS are together on that day. That is enough for me. <3


Your random blogger,



And of course, here with me are my special loves

Mico and Marj



  1. Wish you all the best for your cosplay this Sunday Mau. ;)

  2. Thank you Tara deaaar. :DD

  3. ;) congrats by the way. hahaha

  4. Haha. Omaigawsh. Thank you. BTW, I have something to tell you this Tuesday. ♥

  5. I can't wait to watch you guys...


    UNFORTUNATELY, I can't because...

    - I have work.
    - I don't know how to get there (which is a bummer!)

    So, I'll be satisfied just by looking at the pictures..

    So have FUN!

  6. I can't wait to watch you guys...


    UNFORTUNATELY, I can't because...

    - I have work.
    - I don't know how to get there (which is a bummer!)

    So, I'll be satisfied just by looking at the pictures..

    So have FUN!


  7. Labs. ♥ I will let you cosplay with me even if it's the last thing I'll do.

  8. That's so sweet of you.

    But--I don't think I can do it.

    And I know that you know the reason why. (not enough funds..ahahaha...)


  9. Less than 500 ra na labs ang costume. Depende pud sa costume. *^* Please. It's my last request before I'm gone. Haha


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