Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Water Glow

Seeing the water glow during your takes is like seeing fireflies light up in the dark distance. Unreachable but beautiful. The sight of blue in your pictures, the soothing sound of splashes and waves and especially, that fresh feeling you have once you get into the water are some of the many things you'd experience during summer. We spent the whole afternoon basking under the beautiful summer sun. We needed it. We needed freedom. And freedom was there to welcome us even for one day.

It was nice working with the ever wonderful Cherry Culanag. I want to capture a shot of the glowing water and her charisma. Her beautiful charisma. Her composure and confidence were hand in hand in it together and they left me absorbed and overwhelmed by the beauty of it. 


photography & makeup
Mau Sarcon

Cherry Culanag

For any inquiries or collaborations, please don't hesitate to email me at


  1. SEXY CHERRY *claps* ... i love it! ;)

  2. ka gwapa ni miss wui...ppede n jud ka mau mg photographer... unya kuhaon nko photographer if mgpakasal n mi pohon..barato lng talent fee ha...

    1. Why thank you Sandear! Haha. Sure!!! Can't wait. :D

  3. Che pie!! You outdid yourself!! *claps *claps *claps *claps Whooot whoottt :D

  4. She's really cute you got a great model for this one she looked very casual


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