Saturday, November 24, 2012

{ i want to do a sideline}

A sideline of modeling. A sideline of dancing. A sideline of drawing things whatever comes into mind. A sideline of
sidelines. And a sideline of et ceteras. I want to color my life with neon and bold colors.
I think I'm gonna become the MAU that I used to be.
i miss her. ( ≧Д≦)

I think it's about time to revive her.

I know she's gonna rock. She's a sweet and happy girl. You'd love her.

Marky's shots were extravagant. It looks like I'm some sort of me, and not me. Haha.

Magic of photoshop.

P.S. I miss this body. I'm gonna work out again. Like hanging at some arcade center to lose those unwanted bellies.

I want to endorse again how I am inspired by these fine ladies.

Camille Co and Kryz Uy. ♥

Me cosplaying as Yuna from Final Fantasy X.

And Yhannie cosplaying as Millia Rage from BlazBlue.

Just some ramdom feature of a random photo.

Bear with me. I am random these days. *giggles*

P.S. My longing for a DSLR is consuming me. I kept telling myself to be patient and to reach for my dreams. But my dreams are still too far away. *^* I need motivation. I need inspiration. I need a SIDELINE. HAHA~

And also I got myself a bleach. Yeah. Those peelings of skins. Yeah. Those kinds of bleach.

My face is peeling, and the bleaching cream I bought kind of work. I was targeting the dark spots on my face and it really really worked. :3

I'm not gonna show you a random photo of my face peeling. That would be like EEW. Hahaha. Maybe the post result would turn out nice than the snake skin.

Till next blog everyone.

I'm gonna be even more random so watch out. (`・ω・´)”

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