Friday, March 31, 2017

Skoro Uvidimsya!

Ahhhh. It feels as if it's all coming to an end as the big day's fast approaching. I know, I know. Don't get me wrong here now; we all know endings are prologues of something new. Mark and I have many big dreams and ambitions in life, and we are going to accomplish them step by step. And of course, with the guidance and help of our Lord Almighty. 

 We have been talking about it lately---our life together, our careers, our future. Everything seems surreal as it is right now. It's the waiting that's hard. Haha. You end up talking all different stuff regarding what married life is like. Mark even opened how nervous he got when he thought of it. But not the anxious kind of type; it was more of the excited kind of type. It was getting me too---this wedding jitters. I don't what else to call it. When you try to google it, it's giving off negative results, so don't go off thinking of it that way. I tried asking married couples about it, and they said they felt the same thing before their big day. And you know what? Apparently, it's normal and they have never been so in love and comfortable with each other now that they're married. I know from that point on, things will change for the better. This is just a short personal post and will write again soon! For now, enjoy these shots from our Oslob escapade last February 18. Skoro uvidimsya!

What do you think of this lovely blouse?

photos taken by my fiance'

Collared blouse from Cy Pitogo (similar post here)
Black Shorts
Kicks Shoes


  1. Ohhh that happy face! Congrats Darling Mau!!! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘±πŸ»πŸ‘ΈπŸΌπŸŽ‰πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ’


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