Tuesday, October 14, 2014

We Were There

When one's creativity just want to burst out from its shell, what do you get? You'd get an outlet! And a perfect outlet for that would be Wattpad. Haha. I am so endorsing it right now. Anyway, if you are booming with stories, fantasies and creativity and if your are a writer by heart, then this site is just for you.

Wattpad is a community site for inspiring, undiscovered and published writers. It is also a community wherein users can share stories, fan fiction, poems or articles where people from all over the world can read it and be engulfed by your world of imagination.

It's a shameless plug, I know; but I would love to share my story to you guys.One of my friends inspired me to make my own story when she made me as one of her characters in hers. It's called All In One Story: White Lie. I am named as Patty from my second name Fatima. The thought of it made me laugh but as time went on, I got hooked. Absolutely H-O-O-K-E-D. And then and there, I started to make my own.


It is a story of three friends namely Mau, Kim and Yhan and their paranormal experience as they venture onto the unknown. Horror and thrill await them as they unravel the mysterious death of Josephine Walter, who was murdered by her husband a century ago.

Nightmares haunt Mau every night and she has had enough of it. She and her friends set out to investigate why Mrs. Josephine Walter had chosen to haunt them in their dreams and in the comforts of their own home.

There are some grammar lapses, and I will make sure to correct them when I have the time. I usually do not proofread my work so please bear with me. I will in the future.


P.S. If you have your own story to tell, please do not hesitate to share it to me. It's better to be known with friends than not to be known at all. 



    but, thanks for the mention. xD

    GUYS! Read this girl's story! You'll feel different emotions! The most prominent ones would be FRUSTRATION and THRiLL!! I assure you it's worth it ;)

    1. WOW! Thanks for this " YHAN". Kufufufufu~ ♥ Mwah xoxo

  2. I know who Mau, Yhan and Kim are hahaha :P
    I will read this juuud! :D

    1. Hahahaha! It's fun using your friends' names.

  3. Labs, hello sorry I just commented now. I don't feel blogging lately. anyways...Good job in advertising your work... I was amazed how that sort of widget? work.. How to do that? O.o

    1. It's in the site itself Labs. It states " EMBED" and all you have to do is copy the code and paste in onto your HTML post.


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